My Temperature Blankets 2024

My Temperature Blankets 2024

So, you all know I was working on the Four Seasons Temperature Blanket in 2023
the pattern was released in full in December!
After finishing it I was stuck for a while when it came to a new temperature blanket for this year, 2024. I even decided, for a while, that I was going to go without designing a pattern at all! And then I joined a facebook group for Temperature Blankets, and got inspired - and after playing around with a couple of designs that bombed, big-time, I have now ended up working on a pattern that I love, and I am designing not just one, but two versions of it.
So, drum-roll please....
Meet the Planet Earth Temperature Blanket - first version in overlay mosaic crochet...
As you can see (hopefully), if not, the clue is in the name, this temperature blanket will be a map of our planet, Earth!! This is the first 63 rows (January), with the temperature colours in the land masses, and the white in the oceans and seas.
And version two of the Planet Earth Temperature Blanket is in tapestry crochet
Here it is at 59 rows (to the end of February). With this version I'm working the water in the temperature colours, and the land in the contrast colour, white. As you can see, there is a different levels of detail between the two blankets because of the differing crochet techniques - it's going to be interesting watching them progress.
I'm enjoying the challenge of designing these patterns, but boy are those coastlines giving me headaches.
I'll be sharing progress photos in this blog at the beginning of each month from now on, the planned release date for both patterns is in January 2025.
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