Sometimes, life happens...

Sometimes, life happens...

I know I've been quiet and missed writing a blog over the past couple of weeks, but I am still here.
It's just that, sometimes, life happens...
Sometimes I have nothing new to share with you...
Sometimes I might have a migraine, or feel sick, or have a doctors appointment...
Sometimes something in my house might have broken, and I'm looking for a replacement - that happened this past weekend. RIP my beautiful oven
Sometimes, family commitments take up my day...
Sometimes, I might just need a day off from a business I run by myself, 24/7. You see, I don't have a social media manager like the big crochet businesses do. This is all me, and sometimes I need to take a break...
Sometimes, I'm so busy working, I don't have time to post...
And sometimes, life simply happens.
But if I skip a week here or there, I will be back, I'm not going anywhere.
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