I'm only human...

I'm only human...

Yes, I'm only human, I have emotions like everyone else, I admit it, and I do get upset by negativity, just like everyone else. I'm willing to own that.
Why am I posting this blog today? Because this morning, I woke up after trying to sleep with a migraine all night, to a FB post notification. Now, I'm not going to name names, or go into details, but basically a FB post got a bit negative and it upset me because I had responded to something without thinking after just waking up with a migraine, and then the other person responded back negatively and I think she blocked me or the post got reported and now I can't respond or even clarify what had been said in my first post, or apologise if I had offended her. I've decided I'm not even going to bother going back to post even when I can, I'm not going to feed that troll (even if it turns out I'm the troll!)
But I am upset. It upsets me when people are negative and just give up on trying something new after a matter of hours - as this person had done with my mirror mosaic technique. I mean, new techniques are invented all the time, and if people didn't take the time to learn them, then they wouldn't become popular, would they. Even the modern mosaic technique itself is relatively new in the crochet timeline. Yes it's based on ancient techniques, but the modern methods have only been used since around the 1990's, and only became universally popular through the internet!
The thing is, when it comes to Facebook and Instagram and all the other social media sites, one thing I have to try to remember, as we all do, is to keep our emotions in check. Even when something upsets you, or gets you annoyed, or confused. There's a great saying, "don't feed the trolls", that can also apply to yourself and your own emotions. In other words, stop and think, and in my case, remember not to respond to posts when I first wake up, especially with a migraine, even when the other person is on the other side of the world and obviously impatiently waiting for a reply! Or, rather than responding on social media, talk about it first with someone, even if it's just the dog.
Another couple of examples for you of this is when I've had people tell me I've placed New Zealand wrong on my latest pattern in development - I've been told it's too far south, facing the wrong way, even up-side down! (this will make sense when I share updates on my new pattern in future blogs). Rather than responding in fury straight away, in most cases I laughed and asked what they meant, and where they thought New Zealand should be on a map - which always was exactly where I have it!
Anyway, enough of this very indepth, emotional blog today. No photos today, I'm not in a very photo type mood.
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