Temperature Blanket update!

Temperature Blanket update!

Have you been wondering how I'm doing on my Planet Earth Temperature Blankets? Well, I'm plodding along - working one row daily on the tapestry version, the photo below shows it up to the end of May at 151 rows. I did decide this month to tack an extra 10 stitches on to the top for the Arctic Circle - you'll see that in next month's update. Hopefully I did it seamlessly enough so that you don't see the join! Oh, and next month, July, I will probably be opening this pattern up for testing. If you are interested, I'll be asking for testers first in my Facebook Group - Crochet Hook Cottage Chit-Chat and Patterns
As for the overlay mosaic version, since last chatting with you I restarted it again, and am working extra time each day trying to catch up. With this version, I also added on extra stitches for the Arctic Circle, added on more of Antarctica, dropped a hook size, and now I'm also trying out the continuous overlay mosaic crochet style.
So how does that work? Basically, at the end of every two rows, I turn the work so I am working two rows with the right side facing me, two rows with the wrong side facing. It means less cutting of yarn, so less loose ends. Also, no slant to the work - anyone who was made an overlay mosaic crochet piece knows what I mean by that! But it also means adjusting your mind set when it comes to mosaic crochet - for the rows worked on the wrong side, you need to work the pattern in reverse, and also the stitches in reverse, so for the back loop only stitches, you work them in the front loop as you look at the stitch, and so on...
Here is a little video I made showing me doing just that...
I'll update you on my progress at the end of June!
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